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Friday, July 16, 2010

Meeting In Cardiff

When I was 20,right before I finished my nursing training, I became pregnant. I ended up losing the baby one month in.
I was really upset and broke up with the boyfriend, but eight months later, Simon (who is a vicar) was filling in for the hospital minister and we met. Not being religious, I don't believe in divine intervention, but maybe I believe in fate - I'm not sure. Anyway if you know your maths you'll work out that had I had the baby - Simon and I never would have met!

I'd had an appalling night shift in the A&E (accident and emergency), and early in the morning he met me outside sneaking a cigarette. We started chatting - I thought he was out to convert me,but instead we just had a little whinge about the long night and the mad drunk people who had been swearing at us. Simon took me for coffee and sympathy in a cafe, and we carried on seeing one another. According to him he decided that morning that he was going to marry me - but it took him 3 years to propose.
Now we've been married for one year.