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Throughout history stories of romantic meetings are chronicled and passed down through the ages.

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So... How Did You Meet Anyway?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mutually Beneficial

Here's how we met:
We met summer of 2006 with completely different agendas. I was in Dallas, Texas for an internship and to finally gain some independence from my parents.  Sothea was in Dallas, TX for an awesome summer with the Fab Four and to get away from reality of life.  We were introduced to each other by my cousin Melisa, at the AMC24 Cinema Complex at Stonebriar Mall in Frisco, after my first day at the internship .  I just shrugged my shoulders at the introduction thinking this was just another friend of my cousin's.  I didn't even bother attempting to actually retain his name! Don't feel bad for him just yet though... Sothea's presumptive description of me, prior to our introduction, was one of a sheltered, nerdy girl with thick glasses and a complete hot mess! Someone he could really care less to get to know more about!
That summer's activities is a whole other story book to tell, but in the end, I guess one can say we both benefited from it!

Life Between Donut World and Real World